• DXB : 04-2621944
  • info@alnahdha.ae
  • AUH : 02-4464726


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Which services are provided?

    The Customs Clearance product is available for all exports and imports from/to Al Sila.

  • What documents do I need to provide?

    The required documents are depending on the customs authority and the respective declaration. During the declaration process, our online website will provide you with a list of mandatory documents to ensure best guidance.

  • How will I know my shipment was customs cleared?

    We keep you up to date. You will receive a notification in case your declaration’s status has been changed. In addition, our Custom Clearance agent offers an overview of all your declarations, where you can find further details such as clearance status, just call our Custom Clearance agent (Exit, Entry) Border.

  • Who can I contact regarding my Customs Clearance?

    In our online tool you will find a Contact Us button in the top navigation. Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of any questions.

  • How does the declaration status flow look like?

    After submitting a customs declaration (Authorization letter), we will check if the declaration is correct and complete. If so, your declaration status is changed to ‘Ready for customs submission’. In case there is anything missing or incorrect, the declaration is reopened and returned to you together with a proper comment. Once the declaration is complete and correct and customs declarations can be submitted, we will let you know accordingly. The customs release notification is the final step in our process. We keep you updated of all above-mentioned process steps by sending you notifications by our Custom Clearance Agent. Notification email can be changed any time as per your request.

  • What does it mean that my declaration is inspected by the customs?

    Customs can decide that goods will be subject to a random spot check. There are different types of inspections:

    Documentary: in this case the Customs Officer will verify the documents against the declaration.

    Physical: in this case the Customs Officer will verify if the goods are in line with the documents and the declaration.

    Scanning: in this scenario the container will be scanned. Main reason for this type of verification is to detect prohibited goods and contraband goods.

  • What is Required Documents for Customs Clearance?

    Required Documents: *

    1. Invoice
    2. Packing List
    3. Certificate of Origin
    4. H.S Code
    5. Authorization Letter
    • In Case of Exit for FMGC

    Municipality Certificate (Export)

    • In Case of Exit for FMGC

    Chemical Export Certificate MSDS Certificate

    • In Case of Entry with Original Document the same above required Documents
    • In Case of Entry with our Original Document

    Deposit Invoice (AED 1000)

    Deposit Certificate of origin (AED 1000)

    For FMGC Health Certificate form Shipper

    H.S Code

    Packing List

    Trade Licenses form Consignee


    Certificate of Origin

    *All required documents must be checked and the required information must match previously mentioned information prior to the Customs Bill.

  • What Consignee details required for Custom Clearance?

    Importer / Exporter - Company Information

    Company Name

    Trade License Number & Expiry Date


    Business Type

    Clearing Agent

    Customs Representative ID Number

  • What is type of Bill?

    Import Bill

    Import for RE. Export Bill

    Transshipment Bill

    Export Bill

    Transit Bill

    Temporary Admission Bill
